Herbal Mosquito Repellent
Makes about 8 oz.
4oz. organic catnip leaf extract, or make your own tincture
4oz. organic witch hazel extract
20 drops organic Atlas cedarwood essential oil
20 drops organic lemon eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops organic lavender essential oil
20 drops organic rosemary essential oil
10 drops organic lemongrass essential oil
10 drops organic lemon essential oil
Pour both catnip extract and witch hazel extract into an 8 oz. bottle.
Slowly drip the essential oils into the bottle.
Cap the bottle and shake vigorously to combine.
Store in the refrigerator with tight-fitting lid. Mixture will be shelf-stable for up to a year when stored properly.
To Use
Replace the lid with optional mister cap or shake bottle and pour some into a smaller spray bottle that you can take with you for day trips. Return remainder to refrigerator.