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Joint Pain Relief Oil

One of our most popular items, our therapeutic blend of essential oils helps reduce joint pain.

Here's what one customer says about it "When I first started using your Joint Pain Relief it was for my back and knees. Then my shoulders. I cannot be without it. It brings relief and reduces the pain level from oftentimes a 10+ to a more tolerable 6+. That may not seem like a lot to some people, but any relief is a benefit and your product is what benefits me the most. I use it so much you are making me 4oz. bottles instead of 1oz. bottles. I use it in the morning, afternoon and before bed. And then throughout the night when the pain wakes me I get up, apply more and thankfully am able to return to sleep. I do not know what I would do without your Joint Pain Relief and hope that I always have it in my medicine cabinet" - Janice

Joint Pain Relief Oil, 1 oz

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